4D Analytics

Dynamic Live Data Chart

Last updated: July 10, 2020

The Dynamic Live Data Chart widget size is: 2 x 1

The Dynamic Live Data Chart displays the current value(s) of point(s) in real time. The widget updates every x number of seconds, as configured in the "Refresh Interval". It has similar configuration to the Dynamic Advanced Chart, but with a couple of extra configuration items.


Widget Configuration – The following configuration affects the whole widget.

Value Default Comment
Widget Heading Dynamic Advanced Charts Enter the name of the widget as it is to appear in the heading.
Legend Layout Horizontal Alignment of the legend is Horizontal or Vertical.
Legend Position Top-Centre The legend can be aligned in various positions according to the options in the drop-down.
Max Number Of Values 12 The maximum number of values (per point) that will display in the widget at a time. With the default of 12 set, as a 13th value appears, the 1st value disappears, so that only 12 values are displayed at any one time.
Refresh Interval (Seconds) 30 The interval between live values on the widget.
Drilldown Engineering Charts Choose between a drilldown to Engineering Charts, a drilldown to a Maximise the widget, a drilldown to Multicharts or None to disable the drilldown. Note: The icon is only displayed when the "Summary Period" is set to Drilldown on Periods. With this setting, clicking the charts drills down to a yearly/monthly/daily period, so it is not possible to initiate the engineering chart from the chart. In this instance, the icon is used to enable access to the engineering chart.
Drilldown Target popup Choose between a drilldown in a new Popup or a drilldown in a New Window.
X Axis Label Font Size, Rotation Chart Default Change the X-axis font size and rotation if required. The syntax is pixel size, degrees - for example, 10px,315
Y-Axis Labels Enter a comma delimited list of labels to use on the y-axes. An empty string indicates use the default label. For example: My Label1,,Third Label - Will override the first 3 y-axis labels with the first one being My Label1, the second one will be the default label, and the third one will be Third Label. Note : The units from the y-axis label will hide when the widget config Y-Axis Label (Title) is configured the same as the units for the y-axis.
Show Vertical Grid False True - A vertical grid is displayed within the chart. False - A vertical grid is not displayed within the chart.

Row Configuration – The following configuration is done on an individual row basis. Each row can be set independently of another.

The order of each row is commonly called the ZOrder. If you configure a series 1 then it is at the bottom of the ZOrder. A series on the second row will appear on top of a series on the 1st row. If you need, for example, a line chart to be on top of a bar chart then configure your bar chart on line 1 and your line chart on line 2.

Label [PointName] If left blank, and there is more than one point configured per row, then only the first point name is chosen. A label can be used to override the point name.
Line Colour Default If no colours are chosen by the user then they default to a standard palette of colours. This palette is configured within Web Config under the "Dynamic Chart Theme" setting. Colours can be described in several ways: The standard way is for a colour to be described in a hexadecimal format, e.g., #00FF00. Colours can additionally be described in an RGB format, e.g., rgb(0,255,0) Opacity can be introduced using the RGBA syntax as a fourth parameter, e.g., rgba(0,255,0,1). The last parameter is the opacity that ranges from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque). Additionally, colours can be described as 'red', 'tan' - these are standard CSS Colour Names. Any colour that is entered as invalid will be displayed as black. When exporting a chart to PDF, only a limited set of named colours are supported. Black (#000000) Silver (#C0C0C0) Gray (#808080) White (#FFFFFF) Maroon (#800000) Red (#FF0000) Purple (#800080) Fuchsia (#FF00FF) Green (#008000) Lime (#00FF00) Olive (#808000) Yellow (#FFFF00) Navy (#000080) Blue (#0000FF) Teal (#008080) Aqua (#00FFFF) Other named colours are cannot be used (such as orange and pink). To use other colours the hex code should be used (#FFA500 for orange and #FFC0CB for pink).
Line Marker Chart Default Line Markers can be used when the line "Type" is Line, Area or Scatter. A number or markers are available, including the option for no marker. Note: A scatter with no marker would be blank.
Number Format 0.## The number format can be written as a mask: 0 (Digit) # (Digit, zero shows as absent) . (The position of the decimal point Example: ###.##) , (The group separator for thousands. Example: ###,###.##) % (Displays the number as a percentage. Example: ##%) ; (Pattern separator. The first pattern will be used for positive numbers and the second for negative numbers)
Selected ON Whether the series is initially selected or not. If the series is hidden, it will be shown as disabled in the legend, and can be re-enabled (un-hidden) by clicking the series label on the legend.
Display All Org Sites False True - Ignore the treeview selection, the chart always shows all data. False - Does not ignore the treeview selection, the chart shows all data from the selected site.